5 Quick Fixes to Optimize Your Marine Website's SEO

Marine businesses tend to neglect SEO, yet 90% of website traffic comes from search engines, That means if your marine business website isn't optimized for search, you're missing out on tons of potential customers.

1 month after its lunch, Maritime Marketing Media is already ranking in the first page of Google. We aim to be the top search by the end of the year.

Marine businesses tend to neglect SEO, yet 90% of website traffic comes from search engines, That means if your marine business website isn't optimized for search, you're missing out on tons of potential customers.

The silver lining? Because it's neglected by so many marine professionals, real estate (keywords) is cheap, meaning it's easier for you to rank high.

Here are 5 quick SEO fixes to optimize your marine website today:

  1. Improve page speed. Site speed is a ranking factor for Google. Compress images, minify CSS/JS, and optimize code to improve load times. Aim for under 3 seconds.
  2. Fix technical SEO issues. Check for broken links, meta tag problems, etc. Fixing errors signals to Google your site is well-maintained.
  3. Optimize page titles and meta descriptions. These impact click-through rate. Include keywords but make it compelling for users too.
  4. Add alt text to images. Search engines can't see images, so alt text helps them understand relevance. It also improves accessibility.
  5. Create fresh, useful content. Unique, relevant content signals to search engines your site is authoritative on marine topics. Prioritize content for target keywords.

A few quick SEO fixes can work wonders for getting your marine website found. Don't leave visibility to chance - implement these tips to start driving more qualified traffic today!

Let us know if you need help optimizing your website. We're happy to provide a free SEO audit.